ADHD/Dyslexia Tips Concheta M.B.A. M.S. Psychology

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2 selected videos

Tips to Keeping OR Getting MIDDLE School ADHD Students Organized

Here are parental tips for getting and keeping ADHD High School students organized at home.


Welcome! This channel is perfect for you if you are you a frustrated parent who wants tips on how to raise a successful child with ADD, ADHD, Auditory Processing Disorder, or Dyslexia.

My son has all that is mentioned and he is 16. I have raised him successfully to be a wonderful well guided young man who absolutely loves school, football, track, wrestling, and even gardening :). He has...

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Related topics : successful home school students

Tips to Getting and Keeping High School ADHD Students Organized

Here are parental tips for getting and keeping ADHD High School students organized at home.


Welcome! This channel is perfect for you if you are you a frustrated parent who wants tips on how to raise a successful child with ADD, ADHD, Auditory Processing Disorder, or Dyslexia.

My son has all that is mentioned and he is 16. I have raised him successfully to be a wonderful well guided young man who absolutely loves school, football, track, wrestling, and even gardening :). He has...

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Related topics : successful home school students

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