The Benefits of Homeschooling: Top Ten Reasons for ...

My Top Ten Reasons for Homeschooling

I am often asked about my reasons for homeschooling.�

I usually keep my answer short and simple (we love it!), but I find in reality there are all sorts of benefits. So I sat down to think about it and came up with the 10 top benefits homeschooling brings us.

Some of these were part of my original decision to homeschool - the others came as unexpected...

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Related topics : homeschooling benefits articles / benefits homeschooling / homeschooling gifted children / children homeschooling

Homeschooling vs Public Schools: The Pros and Cons of ...

The decision of whether to home school a child or to send a child to public school is a personal one. Not only is the parent's time and ability to act as a teacher important, but whether the child's education and socialization needs will be met must also be considered. There are several benefits and drawbacks to homeschooling. However, these drawbacks and benefits are not universal and should be...

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Date: 2017-10-03 16:29:16

Disadvantages of Homeschooling: The Negative Effects and ...

More parents are choosing to homeschool their children because they see the many benefits of homeschooling, differences in ideology and issues with public school policy are only a few reasons why some parents choose homeschooling over public or private schools. When considering enrolling a child in a homeschool curriculum, there are many different factors to consider. While there are many...

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Related topics : homeschool vs public school socialization / homeschool vs public school outline / homeschool vs public school debate / homeschool vs public school statistics / articles on homeschooling vs public schooling


What are the benefits of homeschooling?

One of the great benefits is being able to pass on one's faith and values. It maximizes parental�influence and lengthens that window of opportunity. Bonding moments and memories together are so much more.

Homeschool also allows a lot of flexibility in terms of choice of curriculum, method of instruction, the learning environment, materials used, and pace...

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Related topics : homeschooling working parents / homeschool for working parents / homeschool physical education curriculum high school / homeschool high school physical education / public school and homeschool at the same time

The disadvantages of homeschooling -

Homeschooling is not an effective approach to provide children with education due to scarcities of qualified educators, homeschooled children unable to well-develop their social life as well as parents have to invest massive time and dedication. Parents act as arbitrator in their children's education. They hope that through homeschooling they can convey the message they want to for their...

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The disadvantages of homeschooling - UK Essays

Last Edited:

23rd March, 2015

This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by our professional essay writers.


This report attempts to provide a perspective on the disadvantages of homeschooling. Homeschooling has become a controversial issue in recent years. Homeschooling opponents opine that it is not an alternative pathway for education...

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Date: 1970-01-01 00:00:00

Related topics : children homeschooling / children home school / homeschool physical education curriculum high school / disadvantages of homeschooling education / homeschooling working parents

Check this homeschooling website for France, struggling for freedom against Macron