Homeschooling in Virginia - The Organization of Virginia ...

Homeschooling is not for everyone, but it is for anyone.

No matter your race, religion, political affiliation, income level, or family situation, there are homeschoolers like you.

Homeschoolers are in the real world.

Homeschoolers are active in their communities--taking classes, volunteering, playing sports, working, overcoming challenges, and hanging with friends.

Homeschooling has real benefits.

Customized learning, time for family, flexible scheduling, choice of curriculum, mentorship opportunities, parent involvement, positive social influences, community engagement and more!

Homeschoolers aren't...

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Working Parents and Homeschooling | VaHomeschoolers

A lot of parents contact us every year at VaHomeschoolers who want to homeschool their children, but don't think it is possible because they are working full time. This includes both two-income families and single parents. Combining homeschooling with working full time can be challenging and involves a lot of planning, but it definitely is possible--and many parents have done it...

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Arranging a Strong Week: Your Homeschool Schedule

As a homeschool evaluator in Virginia, I've worked with hundreds of kids in families who have used all kinds of weekly homeschool schedules. I'm also in my 19th year of homeschooling, and since we've moved around a lot, I've been in a ton of different homeschooling communities and groups with so many good homeschooling families. I've seen all kinds of weekly schedules work well for people, and...

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